Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Pantai Terindah Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Pantai Terindah di Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu destinasi favorite saya, karena Jogja merupakan Paket Lengkap dan semua ada disini. kalau Jogja banyak dikenal akan wisata Budaya, ternyata Jogja punya segudang Pantai pantai indah di daerah Gunung Kidul. tidak hanya satu tapi ada banyak Pantai yang terdapat dikawasan ini, dan setiap pantai punya ciri ciri yang unik diantara satu dengan pantai lainnya.

Berikut adalah 9 Pantai Terindah dikawasan Gunung Kidul Jogja :

1.      Pantai Ngrenehan

keindahan pantai Ngrenehan Gunung Kidul. Pantai Ngrenehan terletak di Desa Kanigoro, Saptosari - Gunung Kidul, sekitar 30 km tenggara kota Wonosari. Pantai ini dijaga oleh bukit kapur dan panorama menakjubkan menerjang ke pantai pasir putih. Pengunjung dapat melihat kegiatan sehari-hari para nelayan dan membeli ikan segar, goreng dan siap untuk makan. Sekitar 1 km sebelah barat dari pantai ini adalah Ngobaran dan Nguyahan Pantai. yang unik dipantai ini diatas bukit pantai ada tempat sembahyang umat hindu dan Setiap bulan saat bulan penuh, umat Hindu melakukan upacara Melasti di pantai Ngobaran.

2.      Pantai Baron

banyak aktivitas nelayan yang bisa kita lihat di Pantai Baron.  Terletak 60 km sebelah tenggara dari Jogjakarta, berjajar dengan pohon kelapa hijau subur, Baron memiliki laguna yang dilindungi, aman untuk berenang, dengan menonjol bukit-bukit berbatu di setiap sisi. Baron Gua sebenarnya merupakan muara dari sungai bawah tanah yang muncul persis di tepi pantai dan menarik untuk melihat dari tebing di atas. Pantai Baron adalah pantai pertama yang ditemukan di persimpangan Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Drini, Krakal dan Sundak. view pantai Baron Gunung Kidul. disini kita bisa banyak melihat Nelayan menjual hasil tangkapan ikan segar dari laut, dan disini terdapat restoran di tepi pantai dan siap untuk memasak ikan untuk wisatawan yang datang. disini kita juga bisa melihat deretan kapal nelayan yang berjajar rapi dan uniknya kapal ini berwarna biru. Sekitar 10 km sebelah barat dari Pantai Baron Parang Racuk, di pegunungan Gunung Kidul ada juga terlihat Bukit yang memiliki view pemandangan Baron dan daerah sekitarnya. Setiap bulan Suro (bulan pertama kalender Jawa), masyarakat nelayan mengatur sebuah labuhan, upacara persembahan laut untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan atas panen ikan yang melimpah dan untuk keselamatan dan kesejahteraan nelayan.

3.      Pantai Krakal

keindahan Pantai Krakal yang diapit 2 bukit. Pantai Krakal terletak sekitar 63 km sebelah tenggara dari Jogja, melewati Wonosari dan selama perjalanan berliku baik beraspal dan jalan pegunungan. Sekitar 7 km ke timur dari jalan utama di mana itu bercabang ke pantai Baron, kita bisa melihat bukit kapur dengan batu bertingkat tingkat, disini kita bisa menyaksikan pemandangan yang mempesona. Ada teluk yang bisa digunakan untuk berenang di pantai Krakal dan beberapa teluk ini Terletak 1 km sebelah timur dari Baron, Kukup juga memiliki pantai pasir putih yang indah serta banyak jenis ikan yang tidak terlihat di daerah lain. Pengunjung dapat membeli atau mencoba untuk menangkap ikan di pantai, atau hanya menikmati kehidupan laut yang indah dan yang tidak kalah menariknya Ketika air lautnya surut, pengunjung bisa menikmati dan melihat taman laut yang indah dengan warna-warni karang dan kehidupan laut ditepi pantai.

4. Pantai Drini

aktivitas nelayan kadang dapat kita jumpai di Pantai Drini Pantai Drini terletak di Desa Ngestirejo, Tanjungsari Kecamatan juga, sekitar 1 km sebelah timur dari Pantai Sepanjang. Ciri yang unik dan khusus dari pantai ini adalah pulau karang ditepian laut dan dimana mana pohon-pohon yang tumbuh dibukit karang ini, yang menarik tentang pohon-pohon yang tumbuh di bukit karang ini adalah bahwa kayu ini dihindari ular berbisa menghindari kayu mereka. dipantai ini dengan Mudah berjalan kaki ke pantai satu ke pantai lainnya. Dengan pantai berpasir putih dan pemandangan indah Sepanjang pantai sangat ideal untuk menikmati hangatnya sinar matahari. pantai Ini juga merupakan lokasi yang ideal untuk dijadikan kawasan konservasi karena pada waktu tertentu dalam setahun banyak penyu yang banyak singgah di sana dan bertelur di sana.

4.      Pantai Sundak

keindahan dan view pantai Sundak. Pantai Sundak terletak di Desa Sidoharjo, kecamatan Tepus. letaknya sekitar 1 km sebelah timur dari Krakal. hamparan hijau pemandangan alam dikombinasikan dengan udara yang segar, pasir putih pantai sundak ini sangat ideal untuk bersantai. Pantai Sundak juga dikenal untuk camping groundnya dan wisatawan bisa menginap disini, kawasan pantai sundak ini sangat populer dikalangan anak muda, sehingga diharapkan semakin tahun menjadi ramai dan selalu dikunjungi selama musim liburan sekolah. Pantai Sundak sangat Baik untuk berjalan ditepian pantai. Sekitar 500 m sebelah barat dari Sundak adalah Ngandong Beach, disini ada sebuah resor terbuka untuk kelompok tur off-road yang ingin menikmati pemandangan laut Samudera Hindia. untuk yang ingin berwisata di Pantai Sundak banyak kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan seperti memancing di laut, berlayar dengan perahu tradisional, akomodasi, makanan, dan pijat.

5.      Pantai Timang

best view untuk menikmati keindahan pantai Timang dari atas bukit, dan disini ada flyng fox tradisional lho.berani mencoba? akses menuju Pantai Timang ini terbilang sulit diantara pantai pantai lainnya di Gunung Kidul, karena untuk mencapai Pantai Timang ini harus melalui jalan masuk kedalam selama 40 menitan dan disarankan untuk mobil yang besar. yang unik dari Pantai Timang diantara semua Pantai di Gunung Kidul karena terdapatnya Pulau Timang yang terlihat dari atas bukit Pantai Timang. Pulau Timang ini ternyata menyimpan dan merupakan sarang dari Lobster, Nelayan dan penduduk lokal disini punya cara unik untuk mengambil lobster lobster di Pulau Timang ini. dengan membuat kereta gantung yang menghubungkan bukit di Pantai Timang menuju Pulau Timang, dan penghubung tali (firefox Tradisional) ini sangat unik, karena dibuat secara manual. bagi yang ingin meyebrang ke Pulau Timang dipersilahkan untuk turis kesana dengan biaya Rp 100.000  Masyarakat lokal yg menggunakan flyng Fox Tradisional ke Pulau Timang untuk mencari lobster. Bagi pencinta tantangan sangat disarankan untuk naik Firefox Tradisional ini, dan ingat jangan membawa kamera ataupun HP selama menyebrang. karena tiba tiba anda bisa diterjang ombak ketika perjalanan menyebrang dilakukan. bagaimana berani mencoba.

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

10 Countries Must be Visited 2014

Released the fourth week of October 2013, Lonely Planet issued a list of 10 countries that are well worth a visit. Each year the LP always pull out top list of best in travel. Draw for 2014, Malaysia entered in the list. Sitting in the top 10, Malaysia became the only Asian representative, replacing the position of Sri Lanka and North Korea to 2013. The following is a complete list:
1. Brazil
Brazil? 2014? World Cup, man!! Brazil has many beaches with the ‘ deadly ‘ sunsets, mountains with dense forests, as well as Ouro Petro-colonial village. Oh yes, don’t forget the iconic Christ in Rio de Janeiro that now so one of the seven wonders.

2. The Antarctic
Located in the southern hemisphere which is surrounded by oceans, Antarctica is the fifth largest continent. You can see the splendor of the mountain complete with glacier ice. Penguin action avoid chasing seals with funny is ready to entertain you. Ernest Shackleton after it was started at the beginning of the 19th century, 2014 is the perfect time to set foot on the continent of ‘ pure ‘ without occupants.

3. Scotland
Glasgow will host the Commonwealth Games (multi-sport event competitions)-20 in 2014. The city itself has many interesting things such as ports, transportation of the present, and of course sports venues. In addition, various interesting festivals will be held in may, as the Festival Brass Band in Europe, Orienteering contest and the spirit of Speyside whisky Festival.

4. Sweden
Sweden cuisine is closely related to local herbs such as seafood, savory herbs, fruit and local cheeses, has always been a major concern of travelers. Cultural elements such as the habit of drinking coffee and culture ‘ shy ‘ person Sweden also are considered to be interesting while traveling here.

5. The Republic of Malawi
The East border of Malawi has over 500 Km with Lake water super obvious that separates the mountains of Mozambique and Tanzania. Flora and fauna are very awake, also stay sweet in Liwonde Natinal Park. The mountains of Malawi are very friendly, very suitable for those who love hiking.

6. Mexico
Caribbean Beach terfenomenal Beach became attractions in Mexico. This forest area also is still very widespread in Mexico, suitable for You who enjoy adventuring. In addition to the urban forest in Mexico also hits with typical architecture of the building. Oh yes, don’t miss the Mayan village.

7. The Seychelles
People call it “Heaven in a beach”. Located in the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, the Seychelles archipelago known as 115. Must-see in addition to its beaches, exciting Morne Seychellois National Park is. Because the cost of holidays is fairly economical and support locations, Seychelles honeymoon destination often becomes.

8. Belgium
Brussels, capital of Belgium is suitable for a walk around the city. Enjoy the beauty of the building and the Museum of European history the more familiar are some of the activities that you can do. Belgium beer is the most searched people when visiting here. Brussels is also famous for its cheap and delicious pancakes. Don’t forget the chocolate snack and tried 2 notes & from Brussels to Amsterdam.

9. Macedonia
Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia has been first settled to into the city more welcoming to tourists. The City provides lots of comfortable hostel for backpackers, cool Bar and Bistro, and is one of the best clubs in Europe. Some of the sights in Skopje that you can visit, among other things, Lake Ohrid, Mavrovo, the ski area and the historic area of Stobi.

Many mountains areas in Indonesia, but there are 5 mountains in great demand the local or out of State visitors, and this is the best 5 for climbing mountains  and travel at Iindonesia. there are  Jayawijaya Mountains, Mount Rinjani, Mount Bromo, Mount Kelimutu, Mount Semeru.

5 Beautiful Mountains in Indonesia

1. Jayawijaya Mountains
Jayawijaya is a Summit that became part of the Sudirman in Papua Province, Indonesia. Puncak Jaya 4884 m height and have around it there is a glacier, the only tropical glaciers Carstenz in Indonesia, which most likely will soon disappear due to global warming. Jayawijaya is one of the seven peaks of the world and is the highest mountain in Oceania.

2. Mount Rinjani
Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This mountain is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3.726 m above sea level. Rinjani is Indonesia favorite for mountain climbers because of the beauty of the landscape. This mountain is a part of the National Park of Mount Rinjani. Administratively it lies within the three districts: Eastern, central Lombok, Lombok and West Lombok.

3. Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo volcano is still active and is best known as a tourist attraction in East Java. Bromo has an altitude of 2.392 metres above sea level it is in four regions, namely Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Malang. Mount Bromo is intertwined body shape between the valleys and canyons with Caldera or the sea of sand covering an area of about 10 square kilometers. Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of approximately 800 metres (North-South) and ± 600 metres (East-West). While the danger in the form of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the Centre of Bromo crater.

4. Mount Kelimutu
Mount Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores, province of NTT, Indonesia. The location of the mountain is located in the village of Applicant, Kelimutu, Ende Regency. This mountain has three Crater Lake at the Summit. The Lake known as Lake Tricolor since it has three different colors, namely red, blue, and white. However, those colors have always been changing along with the passage of time. Kelimutu is a combination of the words “keli” meaning mountain and the word “mutu” which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the Lake Kelimutu means each and have a very powerful force of nature.

5. Mount Semeru
Mount Semeru or Sumeru is the tallest volcano on the island of Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3.676 metres above sea level. The crater at the Summit of Mount Semeru was known by the name Jonggring Saloko. Semeru has a forest area of forest hills, Dipterokarp Dipterokarp., Montane forest, and Ericaceous Forest or mountain forests. The position of the mountain is located between the administration area and East of Malang Malang.
 More.... Traveling

How to Making Money with WordPress Today

1. Sale of Items

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Advantage Sales Call of Duty game on the first launch

Call Of Duty game

SAN FRANCISCO ( Reuters ) – Activision Blizzard Inc for the title of the blockbuster ” Call of Duty ” video game franchise beyond $ 1 billion in retail sales a day after the launch , the company said on Wednesday .
Activision shares were relatively unchanged at $ 16.63 in early afternoon trading on the Nasdaq .
The tenth installment of the franchise ” Call of Duty : ghost , ” a military -themed shooter game that gritty , launched globally on Tuesday .
Cities such as London and San Francisco , spirited ” Call of Duty ” fans lining up at retail stores at midnight launch event . Activision hosted a pre – launch party in London to celebrate the sparkling release of the game , developed by Infinity Ward Activision studio .
In September , Activision smaller rival Take- Two Interactive Software Inc. said the popular action-adventure game ” Grand Theft Auto V ” crossed the $ 1 billion sales mark after three days in stores . Taking two at a time which marked the fastest pace of sales for any video game ever published .
Activision , which is also known for the game ” Skylanders ” , has given the title of ” Call of Duty ” every year over the last decade .
Last year , the maker of the first – person shooter game titled ” Call Of Duty : Black Ops II ” took 15 days to reach $ 1 billion in global sales after the release of November. The game was touched $ 500 million in retail sales on the first day .
(Report by Anik Nayak ; Editing by Andrew Hay ) Download